Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Library Monday on a Tuesday, and Some Other Stuff

My library trip this week only yielded one book: The Reading Promise: My Father and the Books We Shared. I'd put this on hold because some of my fondest memories from my childhood involve picking out two books before bedtime, then sitting on my mom's lap while she read them to me. I had quite a few favorites that I'd heard so many times that I could tell when Mom skipped a part!

I'm in a little bit of a funk today, probably because of my busy weekend. On Saturday I helped Adam host a picnic for a tennis league he's trying to get started up. What we did not realize, unfortunately, was that Saturday was the boys' high school state tennis championships, so the turnout wasn't quite what we'd hoped. We still had a good time, though, and we have enough hot dogs to last us for approximately the rest of our lives. After that, we took a windy 13-mile bike ride. We'd planned to go further, but we were both pretty tired so we decided to head home early.

On Sunday, we spent about six or seven hours on yard work. The forecast called for storms so we were only going to work until it started raining, but it never started raining. We did get quite a bit done, but I was exhausted when it got dark and we finally came inside.

On Monday, we woke up early to take a bike ride. We were going to ride about thirty miles south, grab a bite to eat in another town, then head back. I figured the ride would take about seven or eight hours, including lunch.

However, as soon as we started riding south down our street I could tell that the wind was going to be wicked, and I wasn't wrong. I checked my phone during one of our many rest stops and saw that the wind was blowing at a constant 20-25 MPH with gusts up to 40 MPH. I'm pretty sure I felt some of those gusts--there were times when I probably could have gone faster if I'd gotten off my bike and walked. We averaged about 7 MPH for much of the trip and the 30-mile ride ended up taking five hours, including rest stops.

We shared a big order of boneless chicken wings for lunch, then headed home. The ride back was pretty nice, although it would have been better if we hadn't been so tired from the first part of our trip. We were able to coast quite a bit at around 20 MPH with the wind at our backs. The ride back only took about 2.5-3 hours. In total, we were gone for almost ten hours.

Anyway, this is all to say that today I can't quite muster the energy to do much of anything. Also contributing to my reading ennui might be the fact that I finished Julie Orringer's The Invisible Bridge last night. It was quite an intense reading experience--I'll write more about it tomorrow, but now I'm having trouble deciding what to read next. Tomorrow is Day 1 of the Books I Should Have Read By Now Challenge, so maybe that will get me on a roll again.

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